Today I have a super special giveaway! When I wrote
Tangle Stitches for Quilters and Fabric Artists: Relax, Meditate, and Create with Rhythmic Stitches I created a bunch of the pin cushions featured on the cover of my book
Tangle Stitches. Craftside have generously given four books to be given away. Two lucky U.S. winners will receive each a pin cushion and a copy of
Tangle Stitches and here on my blog
Jane Monk Studio I will be giving away a pin cushion and a copy of
Tangle Stitches to 2 lucky winners in Australia/New Zealand! So leave a comment here if you are in Australia or New Zealand and if you are in the U.S.
leave a comment in Craftsides post here.
Enter by Sept 6, 2014.

Australian and New Zealand entries ... leave a comment on this blog post.
U.S. entries go to Craftside blog here ... to leave a comment on that post.
You can also go to the Craftside post to get instructions on how to create the Quilt Label from my book Tangle Stitches. Hop on over and check it out.
Don't forget this giveaway ends on the 6th September 2014